Event Details

15-08-2019Independence day was celebrated on 15th Aug by Grin Apple Public School.On the same day the school also organised the Investiture ceremony of the students council which consisted of 21 student council Members.The programme started with the school band giving a ceremonial welcome to the honourable trustees & Principal.Flag hoisting was done by our honourable Director Karnisinhji Sir & Jeet Sir .White pigeons & colourful balloons were released as a symbol of peace.
Dance was performed by students of class 3,4,5 which showed devotion towards nation.
The Council members along with the newly elected Head Boy vatsal Thakre and Head Girl Vidhi Laddha were conferred upon with sashes and badges by the principal sir and flags were handed over , a symbolic representation of handling over the responsibility to the new office bearers. principal Mr.Rajdeep Ameta administered the oath to the leaders.A speeach on Independence day was given by the Principal. At the end chocolate was distributed to the students.